Friday 26 October 2012

Princess by proxy: When child beauty pageants aren't about the kids

Princess by proxy: When child beauty pageants aren't about the kids [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 26-Oct-2012
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Contact: Martina Cartwright
University of Arizona

As child reality TV star Honey Boo Boo continues to capture the attention of audiences with her boisterous personality and her own show about life on the child beauty pageant circuit, a new paper published today in the Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry takes a critical look at the very types of pageants in which she and thousands of other children compete in America every year.

The paper, authored by Martina M. Cartwright, a registered dietician and adjunct professor in the University of Arizona's department of nutritional sciences, suggests that high-glitz child pageants, largely popularized by the TLC hit reality show "Toddlers and Tiaras" and its spin-off "Here Comes Honey Boo Boo," often have little to do with the children and much more to do with satisfying the needs of their parents. It further suggests that participation in such pageants can actually be harmful to children's health and self-esteem.

Cartwright, who attended two live tapings of "Toddlers and Tiaras" as part of her research, asserts that some pageant parents exhibit what she calls "princess by proxy," a unique form of "achievement by proxy distortion" in which adults are driven primarily by the social or financial gains earned by their child's accomplishments, regardless of risk involved for the child.

Cartwright focused specifically on the $5 billion glitz pageant industry, which was first made known to many in 1995, following the death of 5-year-old beauty queen Jon-Benet Ramsey.

In glitz pageants, young contestants wear heavy makeup and ornate costumes, with price tags sometimes topping $1,500. Along with entry fees, photos and other common pageant expenses like wigs, fake tans and artificial teeth known as flippers the average total cost of participating in a single glitz competition, according to Cartwright's research, runs about $3,000 to $5,000.

Prizes at stake might include cash awards, crowns, trips, puppies or even movie "bit parts." The potential for fame and fortune, Cartwright says, may contribute to "achievement by proxy distortion" in parents.

It is not uncommon for parents, especially those of young athletes, to exhibit what is known as benign "achievement by proxy," in which they experience pride and joy through their child's achievements but still recognize a child's limitations, says Cartwright, who has worked extensively with young athletes and dancers as a dietician.

"Achievement by proxy distortion," however, occurs when parents struggle to differentiate between their own need and their child's needs, and in order to achieve what they perceive as success, they may engage in risky behaviors, objectification or even abuse and exploitation of a child, elements of which Cartwright said she witnessed at the glitz pageants she attended.

"I think it's fun if they want to play dress up for a little while, but to insist on making that a career or that they're going to be a model or a Hollywood star, the chances are very slim," she said in an interview. "Parents have to know their child's limitations and not pres them beyond that because later on that knocks their self esteem."

Cartwright said she talked with pageant parents who made risky financial investments to support their child's participation, spending above and beyond the amount of the contest's top prize. She also witnessed parents putting high pressure on their young daughters to look "flawless" and win at all costs, pushing them to adopt an unnatural and adult-like physical appearance and chastising them for poor performance, lack of enthusiasm or a flawed appearance.

"Everything was based on what these kids look like and the way that these children were displayed or dressed," Cartwright said. "They were fully made up; they looked like adult women, pint-size. They were judged on personality, but none spoke a word."

The emphasis on physical perfection may put young girls at risk for adult body dissatisfaction, and potentially eating disorders, Cartwright said.

She said she also worries that the competitions sexualize young girls by encouraging them to look like grown-ups. She recalled in particular one young contestant, wearing a Playboy bunny costume, being carried onto the stage by her father, dressed as Hugh Hefner.

Cartwright is additionally concerned about the physical health of young pageant participants.

At the pageants she observed, where contestants ranged in age from 4 months to 15 years, she said tears and temper tantrums were common, with many parents denying their children naps or breaks during grueling pageant schedules for fear that sleeping might dishevel the child's appearance. She also saw several parents giving their children caffeinated beverages and Pixy Stix candy, often referred to as "pageant crack," to keep their energy levels high, with one mother declaring, "We've gone through two bags of crack and two cans of energy drink so she can stay up for crowning."

"It's concerning because when you raise toddlers, they have to be put on a schedule of some sort, with regular meals and regular naps," Cartwright said. "With the 'pageant crack' and caffeinated beverages, they're feeding them pure sugar to keep them awake. The smell in the hallways was so sweet it was like being in a carnival."

Although Cartwright doesn't advocate an outright ban on child pageants, she said she thinks it's important for people to understand the motivation for some parents to enter their children in the competitions.

"If we can understand why the parents are doing what they're doing, then we can start addressing the problem," she said. "And I think if the public understands why the parents are doing that then they won't pay as much attention to these pageants."

She also emphasized the importance of teaching young children that self-esteem is not all about looks.

"We need to talk to adults and to kids," she said, "about other ways to garner self-esteem than through appearance."


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Princess by proxy: When child beauty pageants aren't about the kids [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 26-Oct-2012
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Contact: Martina Cartwright
University of Arizona

As child reality TV star Honey Boo Boo continues to capture the attention of audiences with her boisterous personality and her own show about life on the child beauty pageant circuit, a new paper published today in the Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry takes a critical look at the very types of pageants in which she and thousands of other children compete in America every year.

The paper, authored by Martina M. Cartwright, a registered dietician and adjunct professor in the University of Arizona's department of nutritional sciences, suggests that high-glitz child pageants, largely popularized by the TLC hit reality show "Toddlers and Tiaras" and its spin-off "Here Comes Honey Boo Boo," often have little to do with the children and much more to do with satisfying the needs of their parents. It further suggests that participation in such pageants can actually be harmful to children's health and self-esteem.

Cartwright, who attended two live tapings of "Toddlers and Tiaras" as part of her research, asserts that some pageant parents exhibit what she calls "princess by proxy," a unique form of "achievement by proxy distortion" in which adults are driven primarily by the social or financial gains earned by their child's accomplishments, regardless of risk involved for the child.

Cartwright focused specifically on the $5 billion glitz pageant industry, which was first made known to many in 1995, following the death of 5-year-old beauty queen Jon-Benet Ramsey.

In glitz pageants, young contestants wear heavy makeup and ornate costumes, with price tags sometimes topping $1,500. Along with entry fees, photos and other common pageant expenses like wigs, fake tans and artificial teeth known as flippers the average total cost of participating in a single glitz competition, according to Cartwright's research, runs about $3,000 to $5,000.

Prizes at stake might include cash awards, crowns, trips, puppies or even movie "bit parts." The potential for fame and fortune, Cartwright says, may contribute to "achievement by proxy distortion" in parents.

It is not uncommon for parents, especially those of young athletes, to exhibit what is known as benign "achievement by proxy," in which they experience pride and joy through their child's achievements but still recognize a child's limitations, says Cartwright, who has worked extensively with young athletes and dancers as a dietician.

"Achievement by proxy distortion," however, occurs when parents struggle to differentiate between their own need and their child's needs, and in order to achieve what they perceive as success, they may engage in risky behaviors, objectification or even abuse and exploitation of a child, elements of which Cartwright said she witnessed at the glitz pageants she attended.

"I think it's fun if they want to play dress up for a little while, but to insist on making that a career or that they're going to be a model or a Hollywood star, the chances are very slim," she said in an interview. "Parents have to know their child's limitations and not pres them beyond that because later on that knocks their self esteem."

Cartwright said she talked with pageant parents who made risky financial investments to support their child's participation, spending above and beyond the amount of the contest's top prize. She also witnessed parents putting high pressure on their young daughters to look "flawless" and win at all costs, pushing them to adopt an unnatural and adult-like physical appearance and chastising them for poor performance, lack of enthusiasm or a flawed appearance.

"Everything was based on what these kids look like and the way that these children were displayed or dressed," Cartwright said. "They were fully made up; they looked like adult women, pint-size. They were judged on personality, but none spoke a word."

The emphasis on physical perfection may put young girls at risk for adult body dissatisfaction, and potentially eating disorders, Cartwright said.

She said she also worries that the competitions sexualize young girls by encouraging them to look like grown-ups. She recalled in particular one young contestant, wearing a Playboy bunny costume, being carried onto the stage by her father, dressed as Hugh Hefner.

Cartwright is additionally concerned about the physical health of young pageant participants.

At the pageants she observed, where contestants ranged in age from 4 months to 15 years, she said tears and temper tantrums were common, with many parents denying their children naps or breaks during grueling pageant schedules for fear that sleeping might dishevel the child's appearance. She also saw several parents giving their children caffeinated beverages and Pixy Stix candy, often referred to as "pageant crack," to keep their energy levels high, with one mother declaring, "We've gone through two bags of crack and two cans of energy drink so she can stay up for crowning."

"It's concerning because when you raise toddlers, they have to be put on a schedule of some sort, with regular meals and regular naps," Cartwright said. "With the 'pageant crack' and caffeinated beverages, they're feeding them pure sugar to keep them awake. The smell in the hallways was so sweet it was like being in a carnival."

Although Cartwright doesn't advocate an outright ban on child pageants, she said she thinks it's important for people to understand the motivation for some parents to enter their children in the competitions.

"If we can understand why the parents are doing what they're doing, then we can start addressing the problem," she said. "And I think if the public understands why the parents are doing that then they won't pay as much attention to these pageants."

She also emphasized the importance of teaching young children that self-esteem is not all about looks.

"We need to talk to adults and to kids," she said, "about other ways to garner self-esteem than through appearance."


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DHR News ? Frederick County DSS Holiday Gift Project at Social ...

Cold weather and the holidays are right around the corner.? Once again, the Frederick County Department of Social Services is sponsoring their annual 2012 Holiday Gift Project to make the season special for some of some of our neighbors in need.

There are many seniors, families, and children who would not be able to celebrate the holidays without the assistance of their neighbors and community.? Many offices, groups, families, and individuals have volunteered to help spread holiday joy by participating in this program.? Last year over 367 children and families, 78 home bound senior citizens, and numerous nursing home residents were able to enjoy the holidays thanks to generous donations from our donors and sponsors.

Those who volunteer to sponsor are provided an information sheet about the family or person(s) they are helping.? Then gifts are purchased, wrapped, and brought to the Department.? Workers will then distribute the presents to their clients.? All donations are greatly appreciated.

The Frederick County DSS Holiday Gift Project not only warms the hearts of those in need, but the hearts of those who donate as well.? If you, your family, or group would like to participate by providing presents, please contact Jennifer Long at Social Services via e-mail at ?? or by calling (301) 600-4544.




Media Contact:

Deborah Lundahl

Public Information Officer

301-600-2429 (voice)

240-586-0705 (cell)

301-600-2663 (fax)



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Thursday 18 October 2012

5 Key Steps To Resolve Difficulties In Your Relationship

5 Key Steps to Resolve Difficulties In Your Relationship

People frequently come to me for coaching and advice about how to resolve difficulties in their relationship. In this article, I would like to share with you the 4 most common mistakes people make and how this keeps them stuck. I would also like to share the 5 key steps they take to resolve their difficulties.

The 4 most common mistakes are:

1. To focus on the other person and what they are doing wrong, seeing this as the primary cause of the problems in their relationship.

2. To believe that there is no way to overcome the negative feelings or loss of feeling that exist between them and their partner, rather than realising that good feelings and love can be reborn.

3. They believe that they have no personal power to be able to transform the situation.

4. They think it is easier to begin again with a different person instead of realising that they will simply repeat the same mistakes unless they learn how they have contributed to their current situation.

So, if you are currently experiencing difficulties in your relationship, take a moment to be honest with yourself and reflect on which of these 4 errors you are currently falling prey to. Then read on to gain a different perspective.

Let me now share with you the 5 key steps that you can take to resolve your difficulties. They are:

1. Increase your capacity to influence others. In reality every person has a tremendous capacity to influence the people around them; they simply need to believe that they can. The basis of this capacity comes from developing surety about yourself, staying true to what is important in your life and the values that you choose to live by. The more you keep your focus on the actions you can take and the changes you can make the more influential you will be. Every time we focus on someone else or problems that are beyond our sphere of control or influence the weaker we become. Some of the other steps below then increase your skill at influencing others.

2. Transform the feelings between you and re-develop trust. Have you ever been in a situation when you have felt really angry with someone and yet they responded to your anger in such a way that you just couldn?t maintain the emotion any longer, even ending up feeling closer and warmer towards them? If this can occur in these moments then it can happen with any emotion. The basis of this transformation comes from trust. In these cases the other person nearly always transforms the anger by demonstrating that you and your feelings are important to them and by showing you understanding and respect. They then take the appropriate action in accordance with this understanding and respect. They will normally do one other thing and that is to listen to you neutrally and once the trust is regained to lead the relationship to a lighter or more joyful note.

Of course, your situation may be the other way round and you feel colder or more distant towards your partner. Now, there may be some real issues that need to be resolved, however, there is usually also an element of putting too much emphasis on their faults. It is ironic that in the early stages of a relationship we have a tremendous capacity to filter out any imperfections that the other person might have and in the rose tinted haze of love we enlarge their virtues in our mind. Yet as the relationship progresses we steadily begin to do the reverse. We focus on their faults, giving them great emphasis and grandeur in our mind and somehow all the things they bring to the relationship or do well, seem to get smaller and smaller or even filtered out completely. So it is well within your power to reverse this trend and focus once again on all the positive aspects of their personality and what they say and do.

3. Learn to manage and control your feelings and emotions. Our feelings are essential as they are the life blood of a relationship. They also inform us when things are not going as they should or when there are problems that need addressing. However, too often we ignore the feelings when they first begin to prick us and put off dealing with the situation until it becomes emotional and dramatic. This brings the problem that when you are emotionally charged you are much less intelligent in your communication and ability to handle a situation. Additionally, the emotional charge will be instantly picked up by the other person putting them in a defensive frame of mind. When we are emotional, very little listening occurs and the bed rock of good communication and a good relationship is listening.

4. Use the power of your non-verbal communication to improve your relationship. Did you know that over 90% of what you communicate comes from your body language and your tone of voice rather than the words you say? Therefore, one of the best investments that you can make is to learn how to improve your non-verbal communication and ensure that it says just what you want it to say.

5. Learn to speak in a way that people will listen to you. You can also learn step-by-step how to communicate with your words as well as your body language in a way that people will listen to you. To some people it seems contradictory; however, that this begins with listening to the other person to truly comprehend them. Think about how many times you listen in order to correct the other person or to give your opinion? This immediately reduces their motivation to listen to you. However, in addition, you can learn to become very precise with your words, keeping them neutral and concise. This means you will be clear about when you are giving your opinions, when you are stating facts, when you are expressing your feelings and when you are talking about your needs, desires and wants.

There is so much you can do to transform a relationship which has lost its charm, to rekindle the love and fun. I have had the honour of accompanying many people as they fall back in love with each other again. Although in reality what they do is rise in love together. Whatever happens, what you are guaranteed is to learn how to be really great in relationships which will sooner or later be reflected back to you not only by your partner, but also by your family and friends. I believe that relationships are the source of some of our greatest joys in life and I wish you much happiness, fun and love in yours.


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Chelsea Clinton steps up to fight diarrhea deaths in Nigeria

CHICAGO (Reuters) - Chelsea Clinton is taking on the discomforting issue of diarrhea, throwing her family's philanthropic heft behind a sweeping effort in Nigeria to prevent the deaths of 1 million mothers and children each year from preventable causes, including 100,000 deaths from diarrhea.

The 32-year-old daughter of President Bill Clinton and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton joined Nigerian officials, the prime minister of Norway and other leaders on Tuesday in promoting expanded access to zinc and oral rehydration solutions or ORS, a treatment that could prevent more than 90 percent of diarrhea-related deaths in the country.

"It is unconscionable that in the 21st century, children still die of diarrhea," Clinton told Reuters in an exclusive interview by phone from Abuja, Nigeria.

The ORS and zinc work in Nigeria is in coordination with the Clinton Health Access Initiative or CHAI, on whose board Clinton serves. She has stepped up her public role in the family's global philanthropic efforts and in July took a six-day tour of Africa with her father, who founded the William J. Clinton Foundation in 2001.

The goal of the initiative in Nigeria is to help drive down the cost of high-quality ORS and zinc treatments and increase awareness for them, said Clinton, currently a doctoral candidate in international relations at the University of Oxford.

Currently, fewer than 2 percent of children in Nigeria have access to the World Health Organization-recommended treatment. Increasing the number of children with access to the therapy to 80 percent by 2015 would help prevent an estimated 220,000 deaths in Nigeria.

"I would like to see us make real, measurable progress here in Nigeria and in the other countries where we are working on ORS zinc," said Clinton, including Uganda and parts of India, as part of the Clinton Health Access Initiative's new push to improve access to essential medicines for children.

"For me, it's not complicated. We know what works and we should be doing more of it. And when we don't know what works, we should be innovating and spending time and energy on designing these solutions to solve problems that haven't been solved yet," said Clinton.

"That is what I love about the work CHAI does and the work of the foundation more broadly," she said.


As part of its push, CHAI is meeting with companies like Unilever, which has big distribution networks in Nigeria, to get the message out on ORS zinc, Clinton said.

The hope is to increase demand for the treatment and drive down costs, which should put the price of a single dose of the treatment at about $0.50.

CHAI began working in Nigeria in 2007 with efforts in the Niger Delta to bolster the region's HIV/AIDS infrastructure, which has helped increase pediatric HIV testing by 350 percent, and resulted in a 70 percent increase in pediatric access to powerful antiretroviral drugs.

Clinton conceded that diarrhea treatment is something many people would rather not talk about.

"It makes them feel squeamish," she said, adding, "It's important that we shine a light on these problems and then get to the business of solving them."

Clinton said it's hard to know just how much of her interest in charitable work has been influenced by the careers of her powerful parents, but in a way, it doesn't much matter.

"I couldn't imagine not doing work like this," she said. I define success in my life by how much of a difference have I made in a given day, whether that is being a good wife to my husband, a good daughter to my parents, a good friend to my friends, or helping push forward our work at CHAI or the Alliance for a Healthier Generation or any other facet of the foundation."

"I couldn't imagine it any other way, and I don't want to."


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Why are coastal salt marshes falling apart?

Why are coastal salt marshes falling apart? [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 17-Oct-2012
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Contact: Cheryl Dybas
National Science Foundation

Too many nutrients can cause extensive loss of marshes

Salt marshes have been disintegrating and dying over the past two decades along the U.S. Eastern Seaboard and other highly developed coastlines without anyone fully understanding why.

This week in the journal Nature, scientist Linda Deegan of the Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL) in Woods Hole, Mass., and colleagues report that nutrients--such as nitrogen and phosphorus from septic and sewer systems and lawn fertilizers--can cause salt marsh loss.

"Salt marshes are a critical interface between the land and sea," Deegan says. "They provide habitat for fish, birds and shellfish, protect coastal cities from storms and take nutrients out of the water from upland areas, which protect coastal bays from over-pollution."

Disappearance of healthy salt marshes has accelerated in recent decades, with some losses caused by sea-level rise and development.

"This is the first study to show that nutrient enrichment can be a driver of salt marsh loss, as well," says David Johnson of MBL, a member of the team since the project began in 2003.

This conclusion, which surprised the scientists, emerged from a long-term, large-scale study of salt marsh landscapes in an undeveloped coastline section of the Plum Island estuary in Massachusetts.

The research took place at Plum Island Ecosystems, one in a network of 26 National Science Foundation (NSF) Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) sites located in ecosystems from coral reefs to deserts and grasslands to the polar regions.

"This is a landmark study addressing the drivers of change in productive salt marsh ecosystems, and it's a stellar example of the value of supporting LTER sites," says David Garrison, program director in NSF's Division of Ocean Sciences, which supports the LTER program along with NSF's Division of Environmental Biology.

For more than nine years at Plum Island, the scientists added nitrogen and phosphorus to the tidal water flushing through the marsh's creeks at levels typical of nutrient enrichment in densely developed areas, such as Cape Cod, Mass., and Long Island, N.Y.

A few years after the experiment began, wide cracks began forming in the grassy banks of the tidal creeks, which eventually slumped down and collapsed into the muddy creeks.

"The long-term effect is conversion of a vegetated marsh into a mudflat, which is a much less productive ecosystem and does not provide the same benefits to humans or to habitat for fish and wildlife," Deegan says.

Until this study, it seemed that salt marshes had unlimited capacity for nutrient removal, with no harmful effects on the marshes themselves.

"Now we understand that there are limits to what salt marshes can do," Deegan says.

"And in many places along the Eastern Seaboard--such as Jamaica Bay in New York, where marshes have been falling apart for years--we have exceeded those limits."

The disintegration of the nutrient-enriched marsh in this study happened in several stages.

In the first few years, the nutrients caused the marsh grass (primarily cordgrass Spartina spp.) along the creek edges to get greener and grow taller, "just like when you add fertilizer to your garden," Deegan says.

This taller grass also, however, produced fewer roots and rhizomes, which normally help stabilize the edge of the marsh creek.

The added nutrients also boosted microbial decomposition of leaves, stems and other biomass in the marsh peat, which further destabilized the creek banks.

Eventually, the poorly rooted grass grew too tall and fell over, where the twice-daily tides tugged and pulled it. The weakened bank then cracked and fell into the creek.

By year six of the experiment, the scientists started seeing effects at higher marsh elevations above the lower creek banks.

Three times more cracks, and bigger cracks, emerged at the top of the banks parallel to the creeks, compared with a control marsh where no nutrients were added.

Eventually, parts of the higher marsh also broke off and slid down toward the creek, which the scientists call the 'toupee effect' because it leaves behind patches of bare, unvegetated mud.

All told, at least 2.5 times more chunks of marsh fell into the creeks in the nutrient-enriched marsh than in the control system.

"We honestly did not anticipate the changes we measured," says Deegan.

"Based on prior small-scale experiments, we predicted nutrient enrichment would cause the marsh grass to grow better and remain stable.

"But when we allowed different parts of the ecosystem to interact with the nitrogen enrichment over time, the small changes we saw in the first few years resulted in the creek banks later falling apart. This could not have been extrapolated from smaller-scale, shorter-term studies."

Nutrient enrichment of coastal areas is known to cause harmful algal blooms that create low-oxygen conditions and kill off marine life.

"Now we understand that nutrient enrichment also causes a very important loss of salt marsh habitat for fish and shellfish," Deegan says.

"This is one more reason we need better treatment of household waste in our towns and cities."

People can help by not using fertilizers on their lawns and gardens. "If you have a green lawn because you are fertilizing it, you are contributing to loss of salt marshes and ultimately of fish," Deegan says.

The study was accomplished with the cooperation of officials from the towns of Ipswich and Rowley, Mass., and the Essex County Green Belt Association.

"They recognized the importance of the work," Johnson says. "They realized that what we discovered would help their towns, and society in general, make better decisions about treating the excessive nutrient enrichment of our coasts."

In the next phase of the research, the scientists will study the recovery of the nutrient-enriched marsh.

"After we stop adding the nitrogen, how long does it take the system to rebound to its natural state?" Deegan asks.

The information will be important in reclaiming the health of salt marshes that are currently suffering from nutrient enrichment.


Co-authors of the Nature paper, in addition to Deegan and Johnson, are: Scott Warren of Connecticut College; Bruce Peterson of MBL, John Fleeger of Louisiana State University, Sergio Fagherazzi of Boston University and Wilfred Wollheim of the University of New Hampshire.

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Why are coastal salt marshes falling apart? [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 17-Oct-2012
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Contact: Cheryl Dybas
National Science Foundation

Too many nutrients can cause extensive loss of marshes

Salt marshes have been disintegrating and dying over the past two decades along the U.S. Eastern Seaboard and other highly developed coastlines without anyone fully understanding why.

This week in the journal Nature, scientist Linda Deegan of the Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL) in Woods Hole, Mass., and colleagues report that nutrients--such as nitrogen and phosphorus from septic and sewer systems and lawn fertilizers--can cause salt marsh loss.

"Salt marshes are a critical interface between the land and sea," Deegan says. "They provide habitat for fish, birds and shellfish, protect coastal cities from storms and take nutrients out of the water from upland areas, which protect coastal bays from over-pollution."

Disappearance of healthy salt marshes has accelerated in recent decades, with some losses caused by sea-level rise and development.

"This is the first study to show that nutrient enrichment can be a driver of salt marsh loss, as well," says David Johnson of MBL, a member of the team since the project began in 2003.

This conclusion, which surprised the scientists, emerged from a long-term, large-scale study of salt marsh landscapes in an undeveloped coastline section of the Plum Island estuary in Massachusetts.

The research took place at Plum Island Ecosystems, one in a network of 26 National Science Foundation (NSF) Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) sites located in ecosystems from coral reefs to deserts and grasslands to the polar regions.

"This is a landmark study addressing the drivers of change in productive salt marsh ecosystems, and it's a stellar example of the value of supporting LTER sites," says David Garrison, program director in NSF's Division of Ocean Sciences, which supports the LTER program along with NSF's Division of Environmental Biology.

For more than nine years at Plum Island, the scientists added nitrogen and phosphorus to the tidal water flushing through the marsh's creeks at levels typical of nutrient enrichment in densely developed areas, such as Cape Cod, Mass., and Long Island, N.Y.

A few years after the experiment began, wide cracks began forming in the grassy banks of the tidal creeks, which eventually slumped down and collapsed into the muddy creeks.

"The long-term effect is conversion of a vegetated marsh into a mudflat, which is a much less productive ecosystem and does not provide the same benefits to humans or to habitat for fish and wildlife," Deegan says.

Until this study, it seemed that salt marshes had unlimited capacity for nutrient removal, with no harmful effects on the marshes themselves.

"Now we understand that there are limits to what salt marshes can do," Deegan says.

"And in many places along the Eastern Seaboard--such as Jamaica Bay in New York, where marshes have been falling apart for years--we have exceeded those limits."

The disintegration of the nutrient-enriched marsh in this study happened in several stages.

In the first few years, the nutrients caused the marsh grass (primarily cordgrass Spartina spp.) along the creek edges to get greener and grow taller, "just like when you add fertilizer to your garden," Deegan says.

This taller grass also, however, produced fewer roots and rhizomes, which normally help stabilize the edge of the marsh creek.

The added nutrients also boosted microbial decomposition of leaves, stems and other biomass in the marsh peat, which further destabilized the creek banks.

Eventually, the poorly rooted grass grew too tall and fell over, where the twice-daily tides tugged and pulled it. The weakened bank then cracked and fell into the creek.

By year six of the experiment, the scientists started seeing effects at higher marsh elevations above the lower creek banks.

Three times more cracks, and bigger cracks, emerged at the top of the banks parallel to the creeks, compared with a control marsh where no nutrients were added.

Eventually, parts of the higher marsh also broke off and slid down toward the creek, which the scientists call the 'toupee effect' because it leaves behind patches of bare, unvegetated mud.

All told, at least 2.5 times more chunks of marsh fell into the creeks in the nutrient-enriched marsh than in the control system.

"We honestly did not anticipate the changes we measured," says Deegan.

"Based on prior small-scale experiments, we predicted nutrient enrichment would cause the marsh grass to grow better and remain stable.

"But when we allowed different parts of the ecosystem to interact with the nitrogen enrichment over time, the small changes we saw in the first few years resulted in the creek banks later falling apart. This could not have been extrapolated from smaller-scale, shorter-term studies."

Nutrient enrichment of coastal areas is known to cause harmful algal blooms that create low-oxygen conditions and kill off marine life.

"Now we understand that nutrient enrichment also causes a very important loss of salt marsh habitat for fish and shellfish," Deegan says.

"This is one more reason we need better treatment of household waste in our towns and cities."

People can help by not using fertilizers on their lawns and gardens. "If you have a green lawn because you are fertilizing it, you are contributing to loss of salt marshes and ultimately of fish," Deegan says.

The study was accomplished with the cooperation of officials from the towns of Ipswich and Rowley, Mass., and the Essex County Green Belt Association.

"They recognized the importance of the work," Johnson says. "They realized that what we discovered would help their towns, and society in general, make better decisions about treating the excessive nutrient enrichment of our coasts."

In the next phase of the research, the scientists will study the recovery of the nutrient-enriched marsh.

"After we stop adding the nitrogen, how long does it take the system to rebound to its natural state?" Deegan asks.

The information will be important in reclaiming the health of salt marshes that are currently suffering from nutrient enrichment.


Co-authors of the Nature paper, in addition to Deegan and Johnson, are: Scott Warren of Connecticut College; Bruce Peterson of MBL, John Fleeger of Louisiana State University, Sergio Fagherazzi of Boston University and Wilfred Wollheim of the University of New Hampshire.

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Wednesday 17 October 2012

POTUS and the Cabinet

POTUS and the Cabinet

a create-a-nation style roleplay in which you play a politician/member of the presidential cabinet/or other nation leader. set in modern era


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Apple sets October 23 event, smaller iPad expected

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Apple Inc on Tuesday invited members of the media to an event next week where it is expected to challenge rivals Inc and Google Inc with a less expensive and smaller version of its popular iPad tablet.

The October 23 event will be held at the California Theatre in San Jose, Apple said in an invitation did not reveal details of the event, but hinted at something small with the words: "We've got a little more to show you."

An Apple spokeswoman declined to give any further details.

Wall Street analysts have said for months that Apple is planning a smaller, less expensive version of its popular iPad to take on cheaper competing devices.

Apple launches are some of the hottest events on the tech calendar, scrutinized by fans, investors, the media and industry insiders alike.

Apple now has just one 9.7-inch iPad, though it does come with various storage options and starts at $499. The previous version, or iPad 2, is available now for $399.

The new smaller tablet is expected to feature a display that is between 7 inches and 8 inches. Wall Street analysts expect Apple will price the new tablet between $199 and $299.

A smaller iPad will directly compete with e-commerce giant Amazon's Kindle Fire HD tablet and Google's Nexus 7, both of which have 7-inch screens and are priced at $199. The first Kindle Fire, launched last year, went on to grab about a fifth of the U.S. tablet market.

The California Theatre is not one of Apple's go-to venues for product launches but the company has used the location before, including in 2004 to unveil the Special Edition U2 iPod, along with a performance by the rock band U2.

(This story was fixed to correct typo in first paragraph, changing "table" to "tablet")

(Editing by Lisa Von Ahn and David Gregorio)


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Tuesday 16 October 2012

NCAR-Wyoming Supercomputing Center opens

ScienceDaily (Oct. 15, 2012) ? The NCAR-Wyoming Supercomputing Center (NWSC), which houses one of the world's most powerful supercomputers dedicated to the geosciences, officially opens today.

Scientists at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) and universities across the country are launching a series of initial scientific projects on the center's flagship, a 1.5-petaflop IBM supercomputer known as Yellowstone. These first projects focus on a wide range of Earth science topics, from atmospheric disturbances to subterranean faults, that will eventually help to improve predictions of tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, droughts, and other natural hazards.

"This center will help transform our understanding of the natural world in ways that offer enormous benefits to society," says Thomas Bogdan, president of the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR), which manages NCAR on behalf of the National Science Foundation (NSF). "Whether it's better understanding tornadoes and hurricanes, or deciphering the forces that lead to geomagnetic storms, the Yellowstone supercomputer and the NWSC will lead to improved forecasts and better protection for the public and our economy."

Bogdan took part this morning in a formal opening ceremony with Wyoming Gov. Matt Mead, NSF director Subra Suresh, University of Wyoming (UW) vice president of research relations William Gern, NCAR director Roger Wakimoto, and other political and scientific leaders.

"This is a great day for scientific research, for the University of Wyoming, and for Wyoming," says Mead. "Wyoming is proud to be part of the collaboration that has brought one of the world's fastest computers to the state. The center will have a positive impact on our future, through the research done here and by sending the message that Wyoming is honored and equipped to be the home of this amazing facility."

"The NCAR-Wyoming Supercomputing Center will offer researchers the opportunity to develop, access, and share complex models and data at incredibly powerful speeds," says Suresh. "This is the latest example of NSF's unique ability to identify challenges early and make sure that the best tools are in place to support the science and engineering research communities."

Public-private partnership

The NWSC is the result of a broad public-private partnership among NCAR, NSF, UW, the state of Wyoming, Cheyenne LEADS, the Wyoming Business Council, and Cheyenne Light, Fuel & Power. NCAR's Computational and Information Systems Laboratory (CISL) will operate the NWSC on behalf of NSF and UCAR.

"We are delighted that this successful public-private partnership has delivered a major supercomputing center on time and on budget," says NCAR director Roger Wakimoto.

Through the NWSC partnership, which will also seek to advance education and outreach, UW will have research use of 20 percent of NWSC's main computing resource. In turn, UW will provide $1 million each year for 20 years in support of the program. The state of Wyoming also contributed $20 million toward the construction of the center.

"Our access to Yellowstone will allow the university to reach new heights in our educational and research endeavors in engineering; atmospheric, hydrological, and computational sciences; Earth system sciences; and mathematics," says UW President Tom Buchanan. "The supercomputer is a huge draw for students and faculty. It opens the door to scientific innovation and discovery that will benefit our state, the nation, and the world."

Located in Cheyenne's North Range Business Park, near the intersection of I-80 and I-25, the 153,000-square-foot supercomputing center will provide advanced computing services to scientists across the United States. Most researchers will interact with the center remotely, via a laptop or desktop computer and the Internet.

Relative to the most recent ranking of the world's fastest supercomputers, issued in June, the 1.5 petaflops peak system ranks in the top 20. The rankings constantly change as new and increasingly powerful supercomputers come online.

The main components consist of a massive central file and data storage system, a high performance computational cluster, and a system for visualizing the data.

Scientists will use the new center's advanced computing resources to understand complex processes in the atmosphere and throughout the Earth system, and to accelerate research into severe weather, geomagnetic storms, climate change, carbon sequestration, aviation safety, wildfires, and other critical geoscience topics.

Future-proof design

CISL has operated supercomputers at NCAR's Mesa Laboratory in Boulder since the 1960s, even though the building was not designed with supercomputing in mind. In recent years, new research questions have required more powerful computers to run increasingly complex computer simulations. The Mesa Lab has now reached the limits of its ability to provide the necessary energy and cooling capacity essential for the next generation of supercomputers.

The NWSC is expected to advance scientific discovery for the next several decades. Its design and construction have been "future proofed" by providing the scope to expand as supercomputing technology that does not exist today becomes available in the future.

Raised floors are key to the facility's flexible design, allowing the computing systems, electrical supply, and cooling to be positioned and controlled for optimal energy use and ease of maintenance. The raised floor is also vented, so air can be circulated as needed to computing systems and servers.

The NWSC was awarded a LEED Gold certification for its sustainable design. The center takes full advantage of Cheyenne's elevation and cool, dry climate by employing ambient air to cool the facility nearly year round. This will significantly reduce the facility's energy use.

A minimum of 10 percent of the power provided to the facility will be wind energy from the nearby Happy Jack Wind Farm. NCAR and UCAR will continue to explore options to increase the percentage of renewable energy provided to the facility in future years.

The University Corporation for Atmospheric Research manages the National Center for Atmospheric Research under sponsorship by the National Science Foundation. Any opinions, findings and conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

On the web:

NWSC multimedia gallery, fact sheet, and other background

NWSC science overview

NWSC home page, including FAQs

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR).

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

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Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Monday Fab? ? Absolutely Fabulisa

(Because I forgot on Friday.)

Fab dad! Fab? editor Lisa VanDyke Brown?s husband, DJ Brown, strikes a Cobra pose while baby S?amus takes it all in at Orange Yoga for Tiny Sprout, Blooming Sprout Yoga?s parent-and-child postnatal yoga class. (photo: Wes Naman)

Am I one of those new moms who signs up for parent and child yoga classes? Totally. I consumed my own placentas, for crying out loud?postnatal yoga is the next logical step. But it must be fabulous. Thus, Mr. Brown and I packed up our brood and headed to Blooming Sprout Yoga (505.433.1171,

Founded by two native New Mexican yogis, Cassey Elliott (who holds a master?s degree in early childhood education) and Kelsey Lenzmeier (whose communication master?s degree studies focused on family and child communication), Blooming Sprout classes are held at various locations throughout Albuquerque. Currently, they offer classes at Blissful Spirits Hot Yoga, Orange Yoga (where we attended) and Ms. Kelli?s House Early Learning Center.

??As parents ourselves, we know the importance of physical activity in children?s daily lives,? said Lenzmeier. ?Our classes are designed to provide parents, kids and families with a fun and healthy way to bond, relax and re-energize, with the ultimate goal of improving overall quality of life.

We attended the Tiny Sprout Postnatal class. It was both cute and effective. First, the babies did some stretching, and then it was grown-up time. The babies cleared enjoyed hanging out on their padded mats and watching mom and dad stretch above them. Next, the babies were incorporated into the poses. It was the perfect level of stretching for my postnatal needs?not too much, but enough to make me work. Finally, Shavasana, the relaxing closure to the practice. We curled around the babies, and through the use of a lovely and deeply moving story reading (won?t tell you which one; you have to attend to find out) in hushed tones, Elliott and Lenzmeier helped us take parent/child bonding to a new level. I seriously cried. It was incredible.?

To read the rest of the column, click here.?

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El Sony Xperia T, el primer tel?fono con el que Sony entra a competir de t? a t? en la gama m?s alta de Android por prestaciones y tama?o de pantalla, ya ha pasado por las manos de Xataka.

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Monday 15 October 2012

'Beautiful Creatures' Score To Include Alice Englert-Penned Song

Director Richard LaGravenese discusses music's 'swamptronic' sound and Beatles connection.
By Amy Wilkinson

Jeremy Irons and Alice Englert in "Beautiful Creatures"
Photo: Warner Bros.


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The Marked

Marked: We Didn't Choose This!

A futurist world were Vampires are in control and humans serve the other races.


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This seems interesting, I might consider joining if a few others do.. It seems like it has potential, but... I'm debating. Besides, I would probably make two characters

I'm not mad, my reality is just different than yours.

Many long for immortality but haven't a clue what to do on a rainy Sunday afternoon.

Plot Twist:

We all get off tumblr, go to bed at a decent hour, socialize and spend time with our respected friends and families

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@ChaosxChild13 Sounds good I'll probably be playing two as well!

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Roles in the Royal Monaco Family are available, if anyone is interested

Who is the Royal family?
The royal family were the first Vampires to seize control of the new world

President/Father||OPEN||Appearance Age:(30s-40s)||Oldest living Vampire

Oldest Son/Vice President||Appearance Age:(20s)||OPEN||Will take over if his father is killed

Second Oldest daughter||Appearance Age:(16-18)||OPEN||Immature Spoiled

Youngest Son||Appearance Age:(16-18)||OPEN||Hates Being a vampire

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Can I possibly take a human?
Oh, question though, free humans, are they chased up and trying to be taken in to become slaves to another race, or are they just, free? Just so I know whether I wanna make a slaved human or free one ^-^

May ask to claim another character as RP develops ^=^

Luck is a lot like Fairies
~*~If you believe in it, then it's more likely to be real ~*~

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