Monday 28 January 2013

Interview with Fan Filmmaker Chris Notarilie of Blinky Productions ...

This is part of an ongoing series of interviews, spotlights, previews and reviews focusing on the wonderfully diverse and meta-textual world of ?Fan Discourse.?? In other words, this is where I get to delve into my geekier side and turn the focus on the creations, work and weirdness of a group that is generally not thought of as artists so much as they are thought of as consumers?the fans.? In this article, I turn my focus on Filmmaker Chris Notarilie who specializes in films that involve superheroes, superheroines, villians and even horror movie monsters.? Chris and I first spoke a few years ago when I was writing for ComicBloc and Online Webmagazine specializing in comic books and other fan-related issues.

Xavier: Hi, Chris!? Okay, so to start off can you tell me a little bit about yourself, how you got started and how long you have been working, things like that?

Chris Notarilie: I am a filmmaker. I started truly making movies in January 2004 when I made a short film for a contest for Wizard Magazine. It was called Baby Punisher. I didn?t win, but that was truly the 1st film I completed from beginning to end.? Ever since then, I?ve just kept doing what I love doing- making more movies.

Xavier: You are a very hands-on kind of filmmaker, meaning that you are pretty much involved at every level of the process, or if not at least know how to do practically everything that you need to make a good film.? How did this come about? What is your working philosophy?

Chris Notarilie: I am very very, very hands on.? If I could clone myself to make up a production crew, I would. I believe the more I do myself, the closer to my vision it will be in the end.? That and I?m also very paranoid and have been burned in the past when trusting other people to do the work for me. My philosophy, if you want something done right, do it yourself.

Xavier: Looking at your American Excess clip, you do a take on Martin Scorsese and the type of cinema verite?, which we find in say a movie like Mean Streets.? So, I have to ask who are some of your inspirations, who do you look up to as a filmmaker, writer and editor.

Chris Notarilie:? Robert Rodriguez, John Carpenter, Michael Mann, Tony Scott, Martin Scorsese and Sam Raimi.? They are my favorite directors and all inspire me in their own ways.

Xavier: You do a variety of different kinds of film everything from horror, comedic bits like the Blue Beetle PSA?s, full length original features like The Protector; but Comic inspired movies seem to be your forte?.? What drew you to fan-made filmmaking?

Chris Notarilie: I wanted the attention. I?m like a little kid craving the spot light. I want people to know who I am and what I do so I make fan films to grab their attention. After they see my fan work, if they like it, they tend to stick around and check out my original work on my site too. It?s all part of my master plan. Evil, isn?t it?

Xavier: Definitely, as I say, Prime Evil, evil that is divisible only by you and the number 1.? Have you found any limitations working with copyrighted characters?

Chris Notarilie: Not yet- THANK GOD. Though I can?t sell anything that?s copyrighted- I?m still content with just making. I?m more concerned with exposure than I am with making money. Don?t get me wrong, money is nice too, but it will come to me when my time is ready.

Right now, I must spread the word of Blinky. That is my sole mission right now.

Xavier: Have you had anyone official have to ?talk? to you about using a certain character, name or likeness?

Chris Notarilie: I?ve spoken to various official and creative entities, ranging from Warner Bros execs to comic artists to regular fans. Everyone has their own opinion, but for the most part, people have been pretty supportive. Though the execs aren?t particularly supportive of my efforts, they are grateful I am not selling my work nor am I making them look bad. So- so far, so good.

Xavier: What are the pluses of using characters that people already know and identify with?

Chris Notarilie: You already have a fanbase you can immediately tap into rather than creating one from scratch. Plus, it?s like being in a secret club; only you and a few other people in your inner circle know the subject matter.? This makes it even better when you see a fan film loaded with inside jokes that only you and fellow fans get. It?s nice and I like doing that in my films.

Xavier: There doesn?t seem to be as many Marvel or independent comic company?s characters in your films; do you have a fondness for DC characters?

Chris Notarilie: Yes I do prefer DC over Marvel, but don?t let that fool you. I just haven?t gotten around to Marvel yet.? But I will. I see a Deadpool or Spiderman related movie happening somewhere down the line. No promises yet. But something will happen. (And has happened since then check out the website!)

Xavier: I feel the same way about DC; something about the characters just clicks with me.? Your work goes back and forth between almost slapstick humor to being deadly serious. How do you work and how do you decide whether you are going to do a serious movie or a comedy?

Chris Notarilie: That always depends on who I?m making a movie about and who?s in it. There are just some characters I CANNOT take seriously. And for that, I make them a comedy. Others, they are serious or the straight man in any joke. For them, I can make dead serious films.

Take Catwoman and Power Girl. I just can?t see Catwoman wise cracking- EVER.? Power Girl on the other hand- yes. She has a comment about everything.? But looking at it the other way around.? Catwoman works better in a serious setting due to her violently mean streak where as Power Girl doesn?t fit so well.? She?s just so easy to make fun of and has so often been the butt of many jokes- plus she?s so strong, she can?t haul off and maim someone, it just wouldn?t work.? Catwoman on the other hand, she has no powers so she doesn?t have to pull her punches. Like I said, it depends on who I choose to make a movie about.

Xavier: How do you cast these films? Who are these folks?? Do you do open auditions?

Chris Notarilie: I cast on Craigslist and various other casting sites.? Everyone is a professional actor and I cast them based on ability as well as accuracy to the portrayal of the character. I just happen to have been super lucky lately with my actor?s likenesses to their characters as well as talent.

Xavier: What sorts of things do you have planned for the future?

Chris Notarilie: Little broad don?t you think? (Chuckles.) Well for starters- world domination, as well as a plethora of feature films, all the while continuing to make fan films. I love fan films and even if I become famous, I won?t stop. They?re just too fun.

Xavier: You?re right that was kind of broad.? How have things like the Internet, YouTube helped or hindered your career?

Chris Notarilie: They are amazing tools. I can reach so many more audiences via the internet now, then I ever could have at any other point in time. This day and age rocks. Viva Youtube!

Xavier: Are you a fan of any of the other fan filmmakers out there? Do you have any favorite films?

Chris Notarilie: Robert Tovani- director of Robin (2005). Nick Murphy-director of Tombe Raider (Tears of the Dragon). I know I?m probably forgetting a few people, but those guys are at the top of my list right now. And I like them not just because of their films, but because of who they are as people. They aren?t jaded or snobby. They are regular guys who happened to make good movies too.? And that?s what I am and I appreciate meeting more people like that.

Xavier: Looking particularly at fight scenes, I can see how a fight scene in say Catwoman Principles is different than say the scenes between Power Girl and Bizarro in I?m Power Girl, Dammit! Are fight scenes a particular challenge and how has your craft grown with time?

Chris Notarilie: I have friends who are stunt men and martial artists; they do the task of working out the fights for me, which is a real load off my back. I appreciate it because it allows me to focus more on the shooting of the film instead. Though, I did choreograph the simple fight in PG2. But it?s no comparison to my other film?s fights. But as a filmmaker, I do believe I should learn the fight too. I know all the combos and what to call them. I feel by learning the fight, it will help me get where I need to be in during the fight to get THAT shot.

Xavier: Speaking of Power Girl, you have mentioned here and there that you are planning a movie based on the JSA, my personal favorite team.? How has that come about and can you give us any hints as to what you might have in store with this film?

Chris Notarilie: I decided to do it after I realized I had already made half the team?s costumes. I have Power Girl, Hourman and Wildcat. I was also planning a Mr. Terrific movie, but then I figured, screw it, lets do JSA all the way.? The story will be a 30-minute TV pilot. The idea is to eventually pitch it. It will be set now and I will be updating certain parts of the JSA?s history to fit better, but the character origins will be the same.? And I will also share the team?s roster:

Mr. Terrific (Michael Holt)

Green Lantern (Alan Scott)

The Flash (Jay Garrick)

Wildcat (Ted Grant)

Hourman (Rick Tyler)

Dr. Midnite (Pieter Cross)

Power Girl (Karen Starr)

They will be facing Vandal Savage and a few select members of the Injustice Society.

In my story, Vandal is ready to rule the world once more; his last true reign was during WW2 with Hitler if I remember correctly. Anyhoo, in my story, he is preparing to take over the world, but when he gets wind of Mr. Terrific reforming the JSA after 20 years of no team, he approaches them and says basically, they are only mortals. Though they may try now, sooner or later they all will die, and when that happens, he will then rule- one way or another. He?s just going to wait it out. But should they cross him, he will ?Bring it?.

I?m going for a more calm Vandal who realizes his immortality is the key to his success. So long as he knows he can live forever, he will never lose his cool. If he can?t beat his enemies, all he has to do is wait things out and eventually, they?ll die in time.

Xavier: Very interesting, I?ve always wondered why in all media Immortals seem to have the same motivations as us mere mortals, it?s very cool that you are giving this a more realistic feel and taking into account how time and position would have an effect on a characters point of view.

How are films like Bitter Sweet and The Protector different than some of your other work?

Chris Notarilie: They are originals. That?s the big difference, also they deal with different issues. Bitter Sweet is a psychological mind fucker, where as the Protector is a heart-warming drama about life. With those kinds of films I can explore different sides of my favorite craft and that?s always nice.

Xavier: What are the tools of your trade? Do you work in video? Film? What sorts of programs do you use?? How did you get the Flash to go whizzing by that policeman in The Flash (Speeding Ticket)?

Chris Notarilie: I shoot on HDV video. Edit on FCP. The flash effect was just a drawing of blur lines I made on Photoshop and superimposed them onto the footage in FCP. It was so easy even I said DUH! The key to being a great filmmaker is to be able to pull of difficult things and make them look effortless all the while not breaking your back doing it.

Xavier: Other than world domination, what would be your dream project?

Chris Notarilie: Doing a Blue Beetle and Catwoman feature for scripts that I have written. And of course, making sure Hollywood hasn?t bastardized my idea. I want to make something on par with Batman Begins but for Blue Beetle and Catwoman.

Other projects I would like to tackle are as follows: Superhero teams- JSA, perhaps I?d expand my pilot into a feature. I?m also interested in an Infinite Crisis film. Something with Power Girl, and of course- I know no one but me has the balls to do as accurately as it should be- the Death of Superman WITHOUT Brandon Routh. I would turn to Stan Winston studios to help me out with Doomsday, and Troublemaker?s Robert Rodriguez to help me in producing. I think the death can be a 3-picture deal. Part 1, the death, part 2 the reign and part 3 the real return. If I could make such a series like that, I could die a happy man.

Xavier: What would a full-length motion picture that is not based on anything fan-film inspired be like if it was done by you?

Chris Notarilie: I would like to do a full-length version of The Protector one day. He?s a great character and I?ve created a very interesting and action packed life for him. If I made a movie about him, I think it would revolutionize comics. The Protector is a character from the golden age era and he believes in the morals from that time.? He?s not corrupted like many heroes of today are.? If I made a movie about a character that pure, I think it would speak volumes to the audiences of today and hopefully set some new higher standards in human compassion.? I seriously have a lot of problems with the attention span and lack of respect from many of today?s audiences. They can be very vulgar, ignorant and unintelligible and I would love to help change all that for the better.? And if The Protector can do that, then tell me where I can sign up.

Xavier: Finally, where does Blinky come from? Who is he and what is the significance of the name?

Chris Notarilie:? Blinky the Bunny. His true origins are yet to be disclosed to the public. Perhaps some day, when he has his own movie, he will tell you who he is and where he came from. Till then, he won?t let me say.

Xavier: Thank you so much for the interview Chris, it was a real pleasure talking to you and good luck with all of your future endeavors.? I?m sure that we will be hearing a lot from you in the future and I look forward to seeing the JSA pilot and can?t wait to see The Protector made into a full-length major motion picture.

Chris Notarilie: You are very welcome.

Fans who are interested in learning more about Blinky Productions and seeing more of Chris Notarile?s work should definitely check out his website at and look up some of his films on Youtube and Vmix.


If you have any ideas, suggestions or perhaps you are a fan who has been publishing your own independent comic, or you are a filmmaker who makes superhero movies, or a writer who composes Slash poetry or any of a number of things, get in contact with me and we will see if you too might have what it takes to merit a spotlight in the future.? Send me a message here or to


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