Saturday 19 January 2013

New York City: Support for Kelly, cops at new high; voters give mayor a "B" as in Bloomberg

January 17, 2013 - Support For Kelly, Cops At New High, Quinnipiac University New York City Poll Finds; Voters Give Mayor A 'b' As In Bloomberg
Word format

In the wake of the Newtown massacre of the innocents and the growing gun control debate, New York City voters approve 75 - 18 percent of the job Police Commissioner Ray Kelly is doing, his highest approval rating ever, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released today.

Voters also approve 70 - 23 percent of the job New York police are doing, the highest score since a 76 - 18 percent approval rating February 7, 2002, in the wake of 9/11, by the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University poll. Kelly's approval is 81 - 14 percent among white voters, 63 - 27 percent among black voters and 76 - 18 percent among Hispanic voters. Approval for the police overall is 80 - 14 percent among white voters, 56 - 37 percent among black voters and 67 - 23 percent among Hispanic voters. There is almost no gender gap in approval for Kelly or the police. Voters disapprove of the police use of the stop-and-frisk tactic 50 - 46 percent. New York City voters say 63 - 19 percent, including 53 - 31 percent among black voters, that it would positively affect their decision to vote for a candidate for mayor if the candidate promises to ask Kelly to stay as police commissioner. "Perhaps because of the Newtown massacre or because of the recent announcement that murder in the Big Apple is at an all-time low, or both, New York City voters like their top cop and all their cops even more," said Maurice Carroll, director of the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute. The economy is the most important problem in New York City, 26 percent of voters say, with 18 percent listing education, 8 percent citing crime and 7 percent listing mass transit. "Only 8 percent citing crime as the city's most important problem? There was a time when crime was number one," Carroll said. By an overwhelming 80 - 17 percent, voters favor a nationwide ban on assault weapons. Statewide gun laws should be stricter, 78 percent of New York City voters say, with 4 percent who want less strict laws and 16 percent who say leave the laws as they are. Voters approve 56 - 37 percent of the job Mayor Michael Bloomberg is doing. When voters grade Mayor Bloomberg:
  • 21 percent give him an A;
  • 38 percent give him a B;
  • 20 percent give him a C;
  • 9 percent give him a D;
  • 11 percent give him an F.
"As Mayor Mike enters his last year in City Hall, voters mark him with a solid 'B.' A fair number say 'A' and very few give him low grades," Carroll said. School Control New York City's next mayor should share control of the public schools, 63 percent of voters say, with 18 percent who want the mayor to keep control and 13 percent say the mayor should give up all control. Parents of children in public schools share those opinions. In fact, no group supports continuing mayoral control of the schools. By a 53 - 35 percent margin, voter trust the teachers' union more than Bloomberg to protect the interests of public school students. Voters approve 45 - 34 percent of the job Schools Chancellor Dennis Walcott is doing, his highest approval rating so far. Parents of public school children approve 51 - 34 percent. "New Yorkers don't like Bloomberg's take-over of the schools. Most favor shared control," Carroll said. "And never forget: it's a labor town. Despite all the outcry against the teachers union, New Yorkers believe the union would do a better job protecting kids than Bloomberg." From January 8 - 14, Quinnipiac University surveyed 1,332 New York City voters with a margin of error of +/- 2.7 percentage points. Live interviewers call land lines and cell phones. The Quinnipiac University Poll, directed by Douglas Schwartz, Ph.D., conducts public opinion surveys in Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Florida, Ohio, Virginia and the nation as a public service and for research. For more information or RSS feed, visit, call (203) 582-5201, or follow us on Twitter. 17. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Michael Bloomberg is handling his job as Mayor?

                      Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    Wht    Blk   Hsp
 Approve              56%    48%    60%    52%    56%    55%    59%    50%    58%
 Disapprove           37     50     32     41     39     35     36     41     32
 DK/NA                 7      2      7      7      5      9      5      8     10
                      COLLEGE DEG   ANNUAL HSHOLD INC    AGE IN YRS..............
                      Yes    No     100K  18-29  30-44  45-64  65+
 Approve              61%    48%    49%    47%    70%    50%    59%    54%    59%
 Disapprove           32     44     41     46     25     42     36     39     31
 DK/NA                 7      8     10      7      5      9      5      7     10
                      Brnx   Kngs   Man    Qns    StIsl  HsHlds
 Approve              49%    52%    70%    54%    42%    46%
 Disapprove           43     41     23     37     54     47
 DK/NA                 8      7      7      9      4      8
TREND: Do you approve or disapprove of the way Michael Bloomberg is handling his job as Mayor? (*High also 75% Oct 3 2008, Mar 2008, Jan 2007 & Nov 2005)

                                                              High    Low
                      Jan 17  Nov 20  Aug 15  Jun 13  May 10  Oct 21  Jul 02
                      2013    2012    2012    2012    2012    2008*   2003
 Approve              56      56      51      50      49      75      31
 Disapprove           37      34      40      39      42      20      60
 DK/NA                 7      10       9      11      10       6       8
18. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Ray Kelly is handling his job as Police Commissioner?

                      Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    Wht    Blk   Hsp
 Approve              75%    89%    72%    75%    75%    74%    81%    63%    76%
 Disapprove           18     10     18     20     20     16     14     27     18
 DK/NA                 8      1      9      5      5     10      5     10      6
                      COLLEGE DEG   ANNUAL HSHOLD INC    AGE IN YRS..............
                      Yes    No     100K  18-29  30-44  45-64  65+
 Approve              73%    76%    73%    72%    77%    72%    72%    76%    79%
 Disapprove           20     15     18     21     16     20     21     17     13
 DK/NA                 7      9      9      6      7      8      7      7      9
                      Brnx   Kngs   Man    Qns    StIsl  HsHlds
 Approve              68%    77%    71%    77%    82%    73%
 Disapprove           23     19     19     14     14     19
 DK/NA                10      4     10     10      4      9
TREND: Do you approve or disapprove of the way Ray Kelly is handling his job as Police Commissioner?

                                                              High    Low
                      Jan 17  Nov 21  Aug 16  Jun 14  May 10  Jan 17  Jan 16
                      2013    2012    2012    2012    2012    2013    2007
 Approve              75      68      64      61      66      75      52
 Disapprove           18      23      26      26      23      18      34
 DK/NA                 8       9      10      13      10       8      14
19. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Dennis Walcott is handling his job as New York City Schools Chancellor?

                      Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    Wht    Blk   Hsp
 Approve              45%    42%    48%    40%    45%    44%    42%    51%    41%
 Disapprove           34     37     31     37     34     33     34     34     33
 DK/NA                22     21     21     23     21     22     24     14     26
                                                         Union  HAVE KIDS......
                      Brnx   Kngs   Man    Qns    StIsl  HsHlds 
TREND: Do you approve or disapprove of the way Dennis Walcott is handling his job as New York City Schools Chancellor?

                                                              High    Low
                      Jan 17  Nov 21  Aug 15  Jun 14  May 10  Jan 17  May 11
                      2013    2012    2012    2012    2012    2013    2011
 Approve              45      42      37      37      39      45      31
 Disapprove           34      33      31      35      34      34      21
 DK/NA                22      25      31      28      27      22      48
24. What letter grade would you give Michael Bloomberg for the job he has been doing as mayor; A, B, C, D, or F?

                      Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    Wht    Blk   Hsp
 A                    21%    16%    25%    17%    20%    22%    24%    13%    24%
 B                    38     36     40     37     40     36     37     39     40
 C                    20     22     19     21     19     21     19     25     21
 D                     9      9      8     11      9      9      9     11      5
 F                    11     17      8     14     12     11     11     12      8
 DK/NA                 1      -      -      -      -      1      -      -      1
                      Brnx   Kngs   Man    Qns    StIsl  HsHlds
 A                    19%    16%    34%    19%    13%    17%
 B                    34     40     37     42     26     33
 C                    19     24     17     19     24     24
 D                    14      7      6      7     17     11
 F                    15     13      5     10     20     16
 DK/NA                 -      -      -      2      -      -
25. In general, how satisfied are you with the way things are going in New York City today; are you very satisfied, somewhat satisfied, somewhat dissatisfied, or very dissatisfied?

                      Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    Wht    Blk   Hsp
 Very satisfied        9%     5%    10%     9%    12%     7%    13%     3%     9%
 Smwht satisfied      56     54     59     49     56     55     57     54     54
 Smwht dissatisfied   24     25     21     29     21     26     19     30     27
 Very dissatisfied    11     16      8     12     10     11     10     12      9
 DK/NA                 1      -      1      -      -      1      1      1      1
                      COLLEGE DEG   ANNUAL HSHOLD INC    AGE IN YRS..............
                      Yes    No     100K  18-29  30-44  45-64  65+
 Very satisfied       11%     7%     5%     7%    17%     7%    12%     8%    10%
 Smwht satisfied      59     51     52     56     60     61     55     54     54
 Smwht dissatisfied   21     27     28     25     16     22     22     26     24
 Very dissatisfied     8     14     13     12      6      9     11     11     10
 DK/NA                 1      1      2      -      -      1      -      1      2
                      Brnx   Kngs   Man    Qns    StIsl  HsHlds
 Very satisfied        4%     9%    16%     6%     7%     5%
 Smwht satisfied      49     54     59     62     46     50
 Smwht dissatisfied   31     26     16     22     29     31
 Very dissatisfied    15     11      8      8     17     13
 DK/NA                 1      -      1      2      1      1
TREND: In general, how satisfied are you with the way things are going in New York City today; are you very satisfied, somewhat satisfied, somewhat dissatisfied, or very dissatisfied?

                                                              High    Low
                      Jan 17  Nov 21  Aug 15  Mar 13  Feb 08  Feb 11  Jul 02
                      2013    2012    2012    2012    2012    1998    2003
 Very satisfied        9      11       8      10       7      18       7
 Smwht satisfied      56      52      49      52      50      58      23
 Smwht dissatisfied   24      25      28      25      27      18      32
 Very dissatisfied    11      11      15      12      15       5      38
 DK/NA                 1       1       1       1       1       1       1
26. What do you think is the most important problem facing New York City today?

 Economy Total               26%
  Economy general             5
  Unemployment/jobs          15
  Minimum wage too low        1
  Cost of living              4
  Economy other               1
 Education Total             18%
  Education general           9
  Teachers                    2
  Funding education           2
  School choice/Vouchers      1
  Education other             4
 Crime Total                  8%
  Crime/Violence general      7
  Gangs/Youth crime           1
  Crime other                 1
 Mass Transit Total           7%
  Quality mass/public transit 3
  Infrastructure              1
  Transportation other        3
 Budget Total                 4%
  Budget general              1
  Budget cuts/cuts in service 1
  Budget other                1
 Taxes Total                  4%
  Taxes general               2
  Property tax                1
  Income Tax                  1
  Taxes other                 1
 Housing Total                4%
  Housing general             1
  Housing Costs/Availability  3
  Housing other               -
 Gun control                  4%
 Sandy recovery               3%
 Politicians Total            3%
  Mayor/City leadership       2
  Politicians/Campaigns other 1
 Poverty/Homeless             2%
 Class inequality             1%
 Healthcare general           1%
 Environment/ Pollution       1%
 Police general               1%
 Terrorism general            1%
 Other                        3%
 DK/NA                        5%
28. Do you approve or disapprove of the way the New York City police are doing their job?

                      Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    Wht    Blk   Hsp
 Approve              70%    85%    67%    71%    71%    70%    80%    56%    67%
 Disapprove           23     13     24     23     24     22     14     37     23
 DK/NA                 7      2      8      6      5      9      5      7     10
                      COLLEGE DEG   ANNUAL HSHOLD INC    AGE IN YRS..............
                      Yes    No     100K  18-29  30-44  45-64  65+
 Approve              71%    69%    66%    73%    74%    66%    68%    72%    73%
 Disapprove           22     24     27     21     20     26     26     20     20
 DK/NA                 7      7      8      6      6      7      6      8      8
                      Brnx   Kngs   Man    Qns    StIsl  HsHlds
 Approve              62%    71%    70%    72%    77%    67%
 Disapprove           31     22     20     23     18     26
 DK/NA                 7      7     10      6      5      6
TREND: Do you approve or disapprove of the way the New York City police are doing their job?

                                                              High    Low
                      Jan 17  Nov 21  Aug 16  Jun 14  Mar 13  Feb 7   Apr 20
                      2013    2012    2012    2012    2012    2002    2000
 Approve              70      62      57      59      63      76      43
 Disapprove           23      31      33      32      31      18      48
 DK/NA                 7       7      10       9       6       6       9
29. If a candidate for mayor promises to ask Ray Kelly to remain as police commissioner, is that a positive or a negative when you decide whether to vote for that candidate?

                      Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    Wht    Blk   Hsp
 Positive             63%    77%    60%    65%    62%    64%    70%    53%    63%
 Negative             19     13     20     20     22     17     14     31     20
 NO DIFFERENCE(VOL)   11      6     12      9     11     11     11      9      9
 DK/NA                 7      3      8      6      5      8      5      7      8
                      COLLEGE DEG   ANNUAL HSHOLD INC    AGE IN YRS..............
                      Yes    No     100K  18-29  30-44  45-64  65+
 Positive             62%    65%    66%    64%    61%    65%    57%    64%    68%
 Negative             19     19     22     20     16     24     21     18     14
 NO DIFFERENCE(VOL)   14      7      5     12     17      7     14     13      7
 DK/NA                 5      8      7      4      6      4      9      5     10
                      Brnx   Kngs   Man    Qns    StIsl  HsHlds
 Positive             61%    65%    56%    65%    75%    65%
 Negative             22     20     17     20     14     18
 NO DIFFERENCE(VOL)    8      9     18      9      7     12
 DK/NA                 8      6      9      6      4      5
30. As you may know, there is a police practice known as stop and frisk, where police stop and question a person they suspect of wrongdoing and, if necessary, search that person. Do you approve or disapprove of this police practice?

                      Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    Wht    Blk   Hsp
 Approve              46%    79%    36%    52%    49%    44%    56%    27%    42%
 Disapprove           50     19     59     45     49     50     39     68     54
 DK/NA                 4      2      5      3      2      6      5      5      4
                      COLLEGE DEG   ANNUAL HSHOLD INC    AGE IN YRS..............
                      Yes    No     100K  18-29  30-44  45-64  65+
 Approve              44%    48%    43%    45%    51%    46%    41%    46%    52%
 Disapprove           51     47     52     53     46     53     54     50     40
 DK/NA                 4      5      5      3      3      1      4      4      8
                      Brnx   Kngs   Man    Qns    StIsl  HsHlds
 Approve              33%    48%    40%    52%    62%    44%
 Disapprove           63     47     54     45     36     53
 DK/NA                 4      5      6      3      2      3
TREND: As you may know, there is a police practice known as stop and frisk, where police stop and question a person they suspect of wrongdoing and, if necessary, search that person. Do you approve or disapprove of this police practice?

                      Jan 17  Nov 21  Aug 16  Jun 14  Mar 13
                      2013    2012    2012    2012    2012
 Approve              46      42      45      43      46
 Disapprove           50      53      50      51      49
 DK/NA                 4       5       5       6       5
31. Who do you trust more to protect the interests of New York City public school - teachers, Mayor Bloomberg or the teachers' union?

                      Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    Wht    Blk   Hsp
 Mayor Bloomberg      22%    39%    18%    23%    26%    19%    24%    18%    24%
 Teachers' union      69     50     76     64     63     73     66     78     66
 DK/NA                 9     11      6     13     10      7     10      4     10
                      COLLEGE DEG   ANNUAL HSHOLD INC    AGE IN YRS..............
                      Yes    No     100K  18-29  30-44  45-64  65+
 Mayor Bloomberg      23%    21%    21%    14%    29%    20%    25%    19%    26%
 Teachers' union      69     69     70     80     61     71     66     73     64
 DK/NA                 8     10      9      6     10      9      9      8     10
                                                         Union  HAVE KIDS......
                      Brnx   Kngs   Man    Qns    StIsl  HsHlds 
TREND: Who do you trust more to protect the interests of New York City public school teachers, Mayor Bloomberg or the teacher's union?

                      Jan 17  Mar 14  Feb 08
                      2013    2012    2012
 Mayor Bloomberg      22      23      18
 Teachers' union      69      68      73
 DK/NA                 9       8      10
32. Who do you trust more to protect the interests of New York City public school - students, Mayor Bloomberg or the teachers' union?

                      Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    Wht    Blk   Hsp
 Mayor Bloomberg      35%    53%    30%    38%    41%    31%    43%    25%    30%
 Teachers' union      53     34     60     46     48     57     46     68     55
 DK/NA                12     13      9     15     11     12     11      7     15
                      COLLEGE DEG   ANNUAL HSHOLD INC    AGE IN YRS..............
                      Yes    No     100K  18-29  30-44  45-64  65+
 Mayor Bloomberg      40%    29%    29%    28%    51%    32%    37%    35%    34%
 Teachers' union      49     58     58     63     41     57     53     53     51
 DK/NA                11     13     14      9      8     11     10     11     15
                                                         Union  HAVE KIDS......
                      Brnx   Kngs   Man    Qns    StIsl  HsHlds 
TREND: Who do you trust more to protect the interests of New York City public school students, Mayor Bloomberg or the teacher's union?

                      Jan 17  Mar 14  Feb 08
                      2013    2012    2012
 Mayor Bloomberg      35      38      31
 Teachers' union      53      50      56
 DK/NA                12      12      13
33. When Michael Bloomberg leaves office, do you think that the next mayor should retain complete control of the public schools, should share control with an independent school board, or should give up all control of the public schools?

                      Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    Wht    Blk   Hsp
 Retain control       18%    25%    16%    19%    23%    13%    20%    13%    19%
 Share control        63     60     64     64     59     66     64     68     58
 Give up control      13     10     14     13     13     14      9     17     17
 DK/NA                 6      5      5      4      4      7      7      3      6
                      COLLEGE DEG   ANNUAL HSHOLD INC    AGE IN YRS..............
                      Yes    No     100K  18-29  30-44  45-64  65+
 Retain control       21%    14%    12%    15%    27%    10%    21%    18%    20%
 Share control        63     63     65     68     59     72     63     64     54
 Give up control      11     16     17     15      9     13     11     14     16
 DK/NA                 5      7      6      2      5      5      4      4     10
                                                         Union  HAVE KIDS......
                      Brnx   Kngs   Man    Qns    StIsl  HsHlds 
TREND: When Michael Bloomberg leaves office, do you think that the next mayor should retain complete control of the public schools, should share control with an independent school board, or should give up all control of the public schools?

                      Jan 17  May 10  Feb 08  May 11  Jul 16  Jul 26
                      2013    2012    2012    2011    2008    2007
 Retain control       18      17      13      18      29      28
 Share control        63      60      66      58      55      51
 Give up control      13      16      15      17       8       9
 DK/NA                 6       7       7       7       7      11
34. If a home or business was destroyed by Hurricane Sandy, do you think: A) the owner should be prevented from ever building on that site again, as long as they are reimbursed, or B) the owner should be allowed to build with stricter building codes to protect the property against future storms, or C) the owner should be allowed to rebuild their property as it was before?

                      Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    Wht    Blk   Hsp
 A)Prevent rebuilding  6%     3%     6%     4%     5%     6%     5%     3%     7%
 B)Allow w/new codes  71     71     72     69     70     71     72     75     70
 C)Allow as before    19     23     17     23     20     19     18     19     20
 DK/NA                 4      3      4      4      4      5      5      3      3
                      COLLEGE DEG   ANNUAL HSHOLD INC    AGE IN YRS..............
                      Yes    No     100K  18-29  30-44  45-64  65+
 A)Prevent rebuilding  5%     6%     6%     3%     3%     6%     5%     4%     9%
 B)Allow w/new codes  74     67     65     75     78     62     74     77     65
 C)Allow as before    16     24     24     19     15     31     18     15     19
 DK/NA                 5      3      5      3      3      1      4      4      8
                      Brnx   Kngs   Man    Qns    StIsl  HsHlds
 A)Prevent rebuilding  6%     4%     7%     5%    11%     6%
 B)Allow w/new codes  70     68     72     74     72     74
 C)Allow as before    23     24     16     15     16     17
 DK/NA                 2      4      6      6      1      4
35. Do you think Mayor Bloomberg's involvement in national issues, such as immigration reform and gun control is good for the city because these issues ultimately benefit New Yorkers, or do you think this involvement distracts him from the day to day business of running the city?

                      Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    Wht    Blk   Hsp
 Good for city        73%    57%    78%    76%    73%    74%    74%    76%    72%
 Distracts from city  20     36     16     21     23     19     21     16     21
 DK/NA                 6      7      6      3      4      7      4      7      7
                      COLLEGE DEG   ANNUAL HSHOLD INC    AGE IN YRS..............
                      Yes    No     100K  18-29  30-44  45-64  65+
 Good for city        79%    67%    68%    72%    83%    62%    80%    75%    73%
 Distracts from city  17     25     23     25     14     32     17     20     16
 DK/NA                 4      8      9      3      3      6      3      5     11
                                                         GUN HSHOLD   HAVE KIDS...
                      Brnx   Kngs   Man    Qns    StIsl  Yes    No    
TREND: Do you think Mayor Bloomberg's involvement in national issues, such as immigration reform and gun control is good for the city because these issues ultimately benefit New Yorkers or do you think this involvement distracts him from the day to day business of running the city?

                      Jan 17  May 11  Mar 16
                      2013    2011    2011
 Good for city        73      59      67
 Distracts from city  20      33      28
 DK/NA                 6       8       5
36. Do you think the laws covering the sale of guns in New York State should be made more strict, less strict, or kept as they are now?

                      Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    Wht    Blk   Hsp
 More strict          78%    53%    86%    73%    71%    83%    75%    83%    81%
 Less strict           4     11      2      5      7      2      5      3      3
 Kept the same        16     32     10     19     20     12     17     12     14
 DK/NA                 3      4      2      3      2      3      3      3      2
                      COLLEGE DEG   ANNUAL HSHOLD INC    AGE IN YRS..............
                      Yes    No     100K  18-29  30-44  45-64  65+
 More strict          76%    79%    78%    75%    76%    67%    75%    80%    86%
 Less strict           5      4      3      5      5      7      7      2      1
 Kept the same        17     14     15     18     17     24     14     15     10
 DK/NA                 2      3      4      1      2      2      3      2      2
                                                         GUN HSHOLD   HAVE KIDS...
                      Brnx   Kngs   Man    Qns    StIsl  Yes    No    
37. Would you favor or oppose a nationwide ban on assault weapons?

                      Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    Wht    Blk   Hsp
 Favor                80%    61%    86%    80%    79%    82%    82%    81%    77%
 Oppose               17     34     13     19     18     16     15     17     21
 DK/NA                 3      5      1      1      3      2      3      2      2
                      COLLEGE DEG   ANNUAL HSHOLD INC    AGE IN YRS..............
                      Yes    No     100K  18-29  30-44  45-64  65+
 Favor                84%    76%    77%    79%    84%    73%    80%    82%    84%
 Oppose               14     22     19     19     14     24     18     16     13
 DK/NA                 3      2      4      2      1      2      2      3      3
                                                         GUN HSHOLD   HAVE KIDS...
                      Brnx   Kngs   Man    Qns    StIsl  Yes    No    
38. Is your opinion of the National Rifle Association favorable, unfavorable, or haven't you heard enough about it?

                      Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    Wht    Blk   Hsp
 Favorable            15%    44%     7%    18%    18%    13%    19%    11%    12%
 Unfavorable          63     31     70     64     65     61     66     66     51
 Hvn't hrd enough     21     25     22     16     16     25     13     21     35
 REFUSED               1      -      1      1      1      2      1      2      2
                      COLLEGE DEG   ANNUAL HSHOLD INC    AGE IN YRS..............
                      Yes    No     100K  18-29  30-44  45-64  65+
 Favorable            14%    17%    14%    18%    15%    15%    16%    16%    13%
 Unfavorable          73     49     52     69     77     50     67     66     63
 Hvn't hrd enough     12     32     32     12      8     32     17     17     23
 REFUSED               1      2      1      1      -      3      -      1      1
                                                         GUN HSHOLD   HAVE KIDS...
                      Brnx   Kngs   Man    Qns    StIsl  Yes    No    

Demographic Summary


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